PRoNTo Software


  • PRoNTo is freely available software and aims to facilitate the interaction between the neuroimaging and machine learning communities. The toolbox is based on pattern recognition techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging data. PRoNTo v3.0 accepts NIfTI format images (as before), numerical arrays in .mat file and M/EEG data in SPM’s format (for more information please consult the manual).

Software requirements

PRoNTo works on Windows, Mac OS and Linux but requires the following software:
  • MATLAB: MATLAB (The MathWorks) is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. PRoNTo is designed to work from MATLAB versions R2007b to R2022b. It also requires the MATLAB statistics toolbox. See the System Requirements page for a list of suitable platforms to run MATLAB and the Platform Roadmap for the correspondance between MATLAB versions and supported platforms. Note: Windows and Mac users may encounter compiler issues when using versions newer than R2016b. Files may need to be compiled again.
  • SPM12: SPM software represents the implementation of the theoretical concepts of Statistical Parametric Mapping in a complete analysis package. PRoNTo relies on SPM functions. Note: Users are recommended to have the latest updates. Various bugs, especially in terms of weight visualization, arise from out of date SPM versions.
  • Some routines are written in C++ (.cpp files) for increased eficiency. We provide these compiled routines for the usual OS's such as: Windows XP (32 bits), Windows 7 (64 bits), Mac OS 10, Linux (32 and 64 bits). If your OS is not listed or routines do not work properly then you should compile the routines for your specific OS.


  • PRoNTo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PRoNTo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PRoNTo, in If not, see here.
  • Please cite PRoNTo according to the instructions that can be found HERE.


  • For more information on how to install PRoNTo please consult the introduction chapter in the manual.


  • To download PRoNTo v3.0 beta fill in the form below. Please report potential bugs using our mailing list. Other comments/suggestions are also welcome.


Date Version Description
28th Sep 2021 3.0.0 beta Release of PRoNTo v3.0 beta.
30th Nov 2018 2.1.1 Updates on the credits and introduction of the manual.